Our Final Dinner of Eat Your City 2009

To celebrate the final night of Eat Your City 2009, my family went out for dinner together and enjoyed the Eat Your City menu at Per Bacco Ristorante.

There were 9 of us in total and a majority ordered the calamari, pictured above.  Pina raved about it and if you know anything about Pina’s obsession with good calamari, that means a lot.

Me, preferring to stay away from foods coming from water, decided to go with the arancini…I was not disappointed.  The sauce that they came on top of was incredible as well.

I also chose the chicken marsala (above) while Pina chose the orange roughy (below.

Time is almost out but its not too late.  Go out now and enjoy the final night of Eat Your City 2009!

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