
Adriano Ciotoli's Posts

Founder and co-owner of WindsorEats and creator of amazing experiences. Lover of food and cats, though not necessarily together. Named the Province of Ontario's 2017 Tourism Champion of the Year.

Saldary Chocolatier and Candy Creations

There aren’t too many small chocolate shops in Essex County, but Saldary Chocolatier and Candy Creations adds a little bit of sweetness to a small town. Right in the heart…


Happy Easter Everyone!


Super Sunday is Here Again

The big game is just a couple days away. It feels just like yesterday that I was walking downtown blending in with the many fans swarming the streets. Now if…


Sugar Cookies Galore!!!

Being the genius that I like to label myself as, I decided that this year, instead of sending out Christmas cards, I’d hand out cookies to all WindsorEats.com restaurant owners….
