
Our Stories

Sugar Cookies Galore!!!

Being the genius that I like to label myself as, I decided that this year, instead of sending out Christmas cards, I’d hand out cookies to all WindsorEats.com restaurant owners….


10 more shopping days till Christmas!

Even though the weather has been unusually mild and there is not even a flake on the ground, you can still feel that excitement in the air. People are bustling…


Christmas Cookie bliss

It wouldn’t be Christmas without Christmas cookies. Early in November my mom starts baking the dozen or so different types of cookies for the holiday season. As kids, my brothers, sister and I could hardly wait until the first of the holiday visits when mom would break those cookies out and set them on the table for the guests. We’d wait at the edge of the table until the



Welcome to WindsorEats’ first blog entry! Stay tuned in the coming weeks as we begin our forray into the world of blogging. There’ll be links to recipes, chats about food, restaurants and anything food related. I’d love to hear from you so don’t be shy and let me know when there’s something interesting going on in the city or just to say hi!
