
A Detroit Celebrity Will Lead The Next Bikes & Beers Tour in Windsor

WindsorEats will have a Detroit celebrity leading our next Bikes & Beers cycling tour. Jason Hall, the co-founder of Slow Roll Detroit, will be taking to the streets of Windsor, Ontario to lead riders on a tour of 3 local breweries.


If You Love Poutine You Have To Experience This Tour

It’s always a special day when you participate in the world’s very first poutine tour. The Great Canadian Poutine Experience walks through what is affectionately known as the “Poot Route”on a quintessentially Canadian tour focused around the iconic dish.


More Drinks of Walkerville Dates Have Been Released

The tourism season is fast approaching and WindsorEats has added more dates for our popular, award winning Drinks of Walkerville experience.


We’ve got the details of the first Friday Night Lights of the year

The first Friday Night Lights bike ride is fast approaching and we’ve got everything planned and ready to go. So the question is, will you come get lit with us?
